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Unlock 10x efficiencies through private, safe, secure, and responsible use of AI in your daily workflows.

Gain complete control of your organization


Introducing our AI-powered software

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Your ultimate workflow solution 
for all your needs

Streamline, Optimize and Manage Your Operations

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Perfect replacement for your outdated tools.

Improved Collaboration

With one-click onboarding, AI-powered collaboration, improved workload management, and outcome-oriented design, we are committed to elevating your org’s workflow with a 360-degree view.

Create, Store, Share and Manage Documents

Our product leverages AI to generate insights from your documents, create meaningful content including message responses, draft documents, summaries and perform various other actions using natural language.

Track Time and Workloads

Effortlessly track workloads and time with our visually intuitive UI, streamlining productivity and empowering informed decision-making.


Industry's first software with a modern outcome-oriented design


Our design choices consider how human interactions with AI systems evolve. We are committed to designing outcomes, not interfaces. Outcome-oriented design involves orchestrating experience design with a greater focus on user goals and final outcomes while strategically automating aspects of interaction and interface design. 

Upload docs and ask questions on it
to your AI agent KLIP

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Start your AI
journey with us today

“It's the figuring out that matters, piece by piece. And it's the consistency of the work over a period of time that gets you to where you wanna go”

- Kobe Bryant

Ruby H. Kazi

Of Counsel, Benesch

“The product interface and experience is more ideal for mobile, tablet, laptop and AR/VR experiences than for large desktops. The colors are very pleasant and simple and the text is quite readable. I also felt that the color themes are a really nice touch for one to select from a handful of colors for the product. The universal back button is very helpful to help retrace navigation steps.”

What people say about us...

The product interface and experience are ideal for all devices, including desktop, mobile, tablet, laptop, and AR/VR experiences. The colors are pleasant and the text is clear throughout the app. The AI capabilities are well integrated throughout the product and provide a significant boost to our productivity. 




Kiowa was founded in September 2023 and has obtained seed funding. We are actively working on signing early adopters for our product.


Our mission is to enable organizations to unlock 10x efficiencies through the private, safe, secure, and responsible use of AI within their daily workflows.

Our focus

Healthcare companies, Personal Injury and other Law Firms, Corporate Legal Teams, Attorneys, and CPA Firms

Our team

At Kiowa, our dynamic team of empowered individuals brings diverse industry experience in technology and software. Fueled by our passion and strong leadership, we're always innovating to deliver top-quality solutions.

Muneeb Khadeer

Founder & CEO

I have an innate ability to motivate others, build productive relationships, resolve complex issues, build desirable solutions, and win customer loyalty.

I am passionate about building products that make people’s lives less stressful, more informative, productive, and prosperous.

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AI Journey

The phases of adopting AI solutions involve various stages, starting from understanding the technology to its integration into daily tasks and operations.



We nurture your AI from infancy, feeding it with data and insights to help it grow into a powerful ally for your business



As your AI matures, we provide guidance through human feedback, teaching it the skills it needs to navigate the variety of complexities of your day-today tasks



With time, your AI becomes adaptable to changing needs, the phase of which you will reap the most benefit from it, ensuring it remains a vital asset in your journey to success

Get a Demo

Request a Demo

Schedule a demo with one of our product consultants.


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